Where is there Orienteering this weekend ?

The answer is Dublin, Kerry and Kildare.

(click name below for more details)
County Type of Event Organised by
(click name of club for even more detail)
18 Dec, Saturday Massey’s Estate Dublin Dublin by Night Setanta
19 Dec, Sunday Blue Pool – Muckross Kerry Come-and-try-it’ Event Kerry Orienteers
19 Dec, Sunday Donadea, Clane Kildare Come-and-try-it’ Event Curragh-Naas

Donadea, Clane, Co. Kildare

It’s time to kick off the cobwebs and start the new year with a run in the forest. CNOC are holding a local Orienteering event in Donadea forest park on the 19th January. ALL WELCOME.  Start times 11:00 to 13:00. Courses:  Long 7.5km. Medium 5km. Adventure 3km. We recommend full leg cover (not shorts). Free entry to the carpark for orienteers via the church entrance which is 100 metres further on from the main entrance. MAP. Pre-Entry is now open. Pre-Ehter HERE.


 Massey’s Estate, Dublin, Night Orienteering

Setanta Orienteers are hosting the fourth Dublin-by-Night orienteering event on Saturday 18th January at Massy’s Estate. The area is runnable mature deciduous forest, ideal for night orienteering. There will be the usual long and short courses on offer. The long is 4km and the short 2km. The maps have the courses and control descriptions pre-printed on the map. Map scale is 1:7,500 and contour interval is 5m. Start times are between 18:00 and 19:00 with courses closing at 20:00. Sportident timing will be used.

Entry fees are €6 for seniors and €4 for students/OAP/unwaged. For insurance reasons, no juniors below 16 years of age are permitted. If you need to hire a SI card, it will cost you a further €2.

Parking is in Massy’s Estate and not the Hellfire Club car park (see  ). This may change.   The event will be signposted from Stocking Lane and the top of Oldcourt Road. All most welcome and looking forward to seeing you there.


 Blue Pool, Muckross, Killarney

Kerry Orienteers will host Kingdom League 5 at the Blue Pool, Muckross, Killarney. Signposted from Molly Darcys. Registration and starts from 11am. Courses close at 3pm. Overflow parking, toilet facilities, lunch etc available at Molly Darcy’s. Courses on offer as follows:

Brown    7.8km
Blue        6.2km
Green    4.6km
Orange  1.7km
Yellow    1.6km
  Electronic timing will be used. SI cards will be available for hire. Maps are pre-printed and in plastic bags. Weather for the weekend  looks good, so hope to see you all on Sunday.



Orienteering in Ireland
Orienteering Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, Blanchardstown
D15 DY62, Ireland