Veteran Home Internationals
The Veterans Home International (VHI) is an annual competition between teams from England, Ireland (Northern Ireland and Eire), Scotland and Wales. Each team comprises 2 men and 2 women in each age group 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60, and one man and one woman in age groups 35 and 65: 24 athletes per team.
Scoring: Points gained by a nation in the relays are to be added to the points gained by a nation in the 14 individual classes with the highest combined score winning.
Prizes: There are 4 trophies:
The Quaich for the nation that wins the relays.
The Lagan Valley Rosebowl for the nation that wins the individual event.
The Mickelgate Bar Trophy for the overall winning nation.
The “Stonewall Trophy” is presented to either Wales or Ireland, whichever has the greater combined points total.
For details on the Irish Team go to this topic on the Forum-VHI’s, remember to subscribe to the topic to receive updates.