Two new Orienteering Co-ordinators

Please welcome two new Orienteering Co-ordinators to the Irish Orienteering Association. They are Deirdre Ni Challanain and Mark Stephens. Both Mark and Deirdre are experienced orienteers and know our sport well. They will work with Aine Joyce to continue the task of promoting Orienteering and supporting clubs.

Deirdre has been involved in the promotion of sports and orienteering in particular in Cork. She has worked with Local Sports Partnerships, schools and local community groups. Mark has worked in Tollymore National Outdoor Centre and he has been working with the NI Sporting Clubs Coordinator and the Outdoor Partnership during the summer period. They can be contacted at and

Orienteering in Ireland
Orienteering Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, Blanchardstown
D15 DY62, Ireland