Training Weekends

The next training weekend is on 10-11 March and includes the time trial run in the Phoenix Park on Sat 10th.
Preliminary details are on the Event page.
This page also has links to previous results of the Trial and map of the route.

February mid-term training was in Cos. Down & Louth, organised by Greg & based in Delamont Outdoor Centre. The weather was quite benign for Ireland though not comparable with Portugal. 16 juniors survived 4 gruelling days of competition and training – the Leinster league event in Rossmore on Sun 11th, followed by a day’s training on Slieve Croob, training for middle distance in Tollymore & long distance on Carlingford. There was no let-up in the evenings as John Kremer talked about psychological aspects, Igor Stefko taught self-massage and talked about Slovakia & JWOC 2012, and everyone practised on routegadget, splitsbrowser & attackpoint. In their spare time the juniors were brought rock-climbing!

Simon & Allan organised the January training weekend on Crossmurrin. In bitter wind with snow visible on the hills the juniors persevered with short & long leg training and interpreting the Crossmurrin vegetation. An evening session on training, exercising and stretching in the comfort of Gortatole outdoor centre had everyone warmed up for the Frostbite event in Navar on Sunday.

Orienteering in Ireland
Orienteering Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, Blanchardstown
D15 DY62, Ireland