Ciara Silby -UCDO/Waterford Orienteering Club (Wato)
What is your first Orienteering memory?
My first event was a primary schools event in Waterford when I was in 5th class. I was immediately hooked!
What is your favourite terrain?
A nice runnable forest with some interesting contour detail is always nice. Unfortunately you usually have to go abroad to find forests like that!
What do you think is your best distance/discipline?
It depends on what kind of day I’m having but I like a good sprint.
What was your favourite event so far?
Definitely Oringen last summer. It was amazing to see so many orienteers at such a large event & it was great making new friends from all over the world.
What was your first event in the Green Jersey?
The 2016 JHI’S in England.
What do you like to eat pre race?
Porridge with fruit for breakfast, then a banana a while before the race.
What is your favourite bit of O clothing?
I really like the colours of my 2017 O’Cerdanya event top.