
Emer Perkins -UCDO/Bishopstown Orienteering Club (BOC)

What is your first Orienteering memory?

Being bribed by mum at each control with sweets in order to make me finish a yellow course.

What is your favourite terrain?

A nice runnable forest is always enjoyable.

What do you think is your best distance/discipline?

Depends on my mood…

What was your favourite event so far?
French 5 days.
What was your first event in the Green Jersey?

First year w14 in JHI

What do you like to eat pre race?


What is your favourite bit of O clothing?

O socks.


Aoife O’Sullivan – BOC (Bishopstown Orienteering Club)

What is your first Orienteering memory?

My first orienteering memory is of the first time I ever orienteered. It was in the Long Strand, West Cork on Easter Monday. I was eight years old and I did the yellow course with my brother and dad. All I remember is complaining about the Marram grass hurting my legs, thankfully this experience didn’t deter me from orienteering again the following Sunday.

What is your favourite terrain

I love forest, especially white ones when the visibility and runability are high. I really liked the forest terrain from the OOCup in France last summer.

What do you think is your best distance/discipline?

I enjoy the challenge of the long distance.

What was your favourite event so far?
The JK this year in South Central England was my favourite event so far. The weather was brilliant and there was a variety of exciting terrains on offer.
What was your first event in the Green Jersey?

My first time representing Ireland was at the JHIs in Oban, Scotland in 2014. I really enjoyed the weekend, both the social and competitive aspects.

What do you like to eat pre race?

I always eat a banana about an hour before my races.

What is your favourite bit of O clothing?

My asics running pants are my favourite piece of O gear. I don’t have any particular reason why, they are fairly plain but they are really comfortable for orienteering.

Orienteering in Ireland
Orienteering Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, Blanchardstown
D15 DY62, Ireland