SportIdent Timing

SportIdent (SI) is the electronic timing system used for most orienteering events in Ireland. The system consists of SI-cards, worn on the finger by each competitor and SI-stations or control units, at the start, finish and at each control on the course.
The procedure for using SportIdent is relatively simple. At registration you will rent an SI-card, the number on the card is linked to your entry. Before the start you will need to punch the Clear and Check units—this confirms that the SI-card is clear of data and ready to use. To Start, punch the start box, pick up your map and away you go. On a standard orienteering course, you have to visit each control in order. Every time you punch with an SI-card the control unit will flash and you will hear a short beep.

Finish and Download. The finish is marked with a double circle on your map— keep navigating and treat this as the last control on your course.
After you have punched at the finish make your way to Download—this is usually a tent near registration—here your results will be transferred from your SI-card to the results computer. You will get a printout with your total time and split times.
Routegadget allows you to upload a GPS file (recorded on your phone or watch). You can see the route you actually covered –
it is also great for seeing how the experts got around. Splitbrowser has graphs to compare your split-times for every leg, where did you gain time and where did you lose out.

• Right-handers typically wear the SI-card on the index finger of their right hand.
• Make sure the elastic is snug around your finger – you don’t want to lose it on
the course.
• Before you punch, be sure to check that the control number on the unit matches the control number on your course.
Even if you have not completed your course it is important to download. Otherwise the organisers will presume that you are still out on the course.