How to upload results

What does it do?

This facility alows you to upload results from a recent Irish orienteering event to a central database on where they can be viewed by other people. The main features are:

  • It handles SPORTident results or results from an old-fashioned “Manual” event.
  • It provides a central location for competitors to find your results
  • It provides a single page with event details, results, split-times, Winsplits and Splitsbrowser.
  • Easy to upload results
  • Results are stored in perpetuity – they will never disappear.
  • Allows speedy upload – no need to wait for a webmaster to upload the results for you.
  • Competitors can search the results database using various criteria, including searching for their own results.
  • It allows other features to be added in the future – eg. league standings can be automatically calculated, auto-post to Winsplits or Splitsbrowser, auto-email to newspapers and ogroups …
  • You can upload results up to a month after the event – though, of course, you should always upload results on the day of the event or the following day.

Why should you upload results?

No orienteering event is finished until the results are published. This facility provides you with the easiest, quickest, most permanent and most useful way of publishing results from your event.

How do I upload results?

It could hardly be simpler:

  1. Click on Upload Results
  2. Select the Event for which you want to add results and click Next>. You can choose from any event of the past month.
  3. Fill in the form. All the fields above the line are mandatory, those below are optional.

    • Map The name of the map is pre-filled but you can change it if necessary.
    • Date is pre-filled and cannot be changed.
    • League/Champs is pre-filled and cannot be changed.
    • Organising Club is pre-filled but you can change it to any other irish orienteering club if necessary.
    • Results Type: You must select the type of results you want to upload. Currently the following types of results files are supported:
      • SPORTident individual results from Ór or OE2000. See below for details on how to create this file.
      • Results that are manually created using the Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet template. See below for details on how to create this file.
    • Results File: Browse for the results file.
    • Email Address: You must provide an email address. A summary of the upload will be sent to you. You may also use this address to login and edit the results later if necessary.
    • Password: You may use this, along with the email address, to login and update the results later if necessary. eg. add links to Winsplits, Splitsbrowser, add name of Organiser, or even re-upload the results file if errors had to be corrected.


    • Organiser: You may enter the Organiser’s name
    • Planner: You may enter the Planner’s name
    • Controller: You may enter the Controller’s name
    • Winsplits ID: If you have already uploaded SPORTident results to Winsplits you may enter the ID that they gave you.
    • Splitsbowser ID: If you have already uploaded SPORTident results to Splitsbowser you may enter the ID that they gave you.
    • Route Gadget ID: If you have already created a Route Gadget event on you may enter the ID that they gave you.
  4. Click Create.
  5. You’re done!

How to generate results from Ór

Generating SPORTident individual results from Ór is very simple. Once everybody has downloaded, just click the File->Export->Splits in CSV menu. Give a file name and click Save.

How to generate results from OE2000 (or whatever it’s called now)

Once everybody has downloaded, click Competition Day->Results. Select the SPORTident menu. Select Classes or Courses as appropriate and click OK. Click the Interface menu. Make sure that the Deliminator is Semicolon and the String Deliminator is . Give a file name and click OK.

How to Manually generate results (from a punch card event)

For manually produced results, such as would be produced for an old-fashioned pin-punch event, results can only be uploaded in the correct format. You will have to use the Example Excel Spreadsheet as a template to produce your results.

Once you have filled in all the results, click the FIle->Save As… menu. Set Save sa type to CSV (Comma Deliminated)(*.csv). Give a file name and click Save.


  • Do not remove any of the column headers (the first row).
  • You must fill in the positions manually. In fact, all fields must be filled in manually.
  • If a competitor is Non-competitive, put n/c into his Position.
  • Do not use the Reserved columns.
  • There are columns to support Score but they are not used yet.
  • If you are an Excel expert, maybe you can come up with improvements. However, I do not intent to do much development work on Manual Results – you should be using SPORTident!
  • Do not add anything other than competitor results – no Planner name, comments …

Planned Improvements

  • Other results types – Manual Score, SPORTident Score, SPORTident Relays, SPORTident Multi-day overall results, others?
  • Comments field
  • Improvements to the formatting of the results display.
Orienteering in Ireland
Orienteering Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, Blanchardstown
D15 DY62, Ireland