Phoenix Park Time Trials 2020

The Annual Time trials will take place in the Phoenix Park this Saturday 29th February. The trials allow selectors to assess competing orienteers over a set route through orienteering type terrain. The same or similar route has been used for many years so there is a reference point for both the athletes and selectors to compare times. Each year, of course the conditions differ and we can expect some very muddy orienteers this Saturday!

The Time trial results and further information can be found here.

To get your appetite going here are reputedly the best times recorded thus far. ( I wouldn’t expect any to be beaten given the current conditions!)

 Best Times (corrections welcome!) 
4 laps
M21+ Josh O'Sullivan-Hourihan (May 2013)  22:14
W21+ Niamh Corbett (Mar 2017)                 31:09
M18/20 Paul Pruzina (Mar 2015)                  22:31
3 laps
M16 Jonathan Quinn (Mar 2012)     18:20 
W20 Roisin Long (Mar 2015)           20:41
W18 Aine McCann (Mar 2010)         21:27
2 laps
W16 Aine McCann (Oct 2009)   13:24
M14 Cian May (May 2013)        12:13
1 lap
W14 Niamh Corbett (Oct 2009)     6:50
M14 Eoin McCullough (Sep 2007)  6:09
M14 Dan Murphy (Mar 2019)        6:09

Here are the details for the 2020 Trials

Saturday morning
Meet at the car park just inside Phoenix Park Knockmaroon Gate at 11:00 am. Please be on time.

The running will start at 12:00, you will need plenty of time to check the Trial route to make sure you know it (people have got lost!), and to do a good warm-up.
M18-20 run 4 laps
M16 & W18-20 run 3 laps
W16 run 2 laps
M14 run 0, 1 or 2 laps
W14 run 0 or 1 lap.
Each lap is 1.2km with about 60m climb, with SI start and finish and 2 controls along the route.
The running order is here, with those running 4 laps going first, and 1 lap last.
Wear shoes with very good grip, preferably with metal studs, the course includes plenty of steep muddy slopes, and conditions look particularly bad this year!
Usual orienteering gear, including SI card, compass.
Shoes with good grip for the trial run
Raincoat & big warm fleece plus hat & gloves for before and after running
Packed lunch, energy snack, water
Plastic bag for map
Note – the nearest public toilets are 3km away at the Visitor Centre.

We look forward to some training following the trials kindly organised and led by Josh O’Sullivan Hourihan or Cork Orienteers.

Many thanks to Colleen Robinson and Ruth Lynam for organising the trials, along with their many helpers.

Orienteering in Ireland
Orienteering Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, Blanchardstown
D15 DY62, Ireland