Thanks to CNOC who said yes! to this. This was their wonderful contribution we all got to enjoy. I hope everyone who tried it had a great time. I was ...
I got sent this talk today of Thierry Guergeou -/p>
Quote from Josh O'Sullivan-Hourihan on November 11, 2021, 10:33%0D%0AHere is another training resource which could be useful for O technique training ...
Dave Masterson just finished a fixerupper of the video from the talk i gave last week. I've updated the link above, and here it is again anyway: %0D%0...
Few links from the talk last weekend that are in the notes of mine: %0D%0AKasper Fosser reference running speed in terrain as an M20 at senior WOC 201...
The video & slides from last nights talk on the orienteering aspects of training is now available here - %0D%0Ad/1NFXGZaZEa1_HgmWhWOPQMdIM_A...
This is a breakout thread from a junior zoom call workshop to detail what a winter physical (running) training should be and what the technical traini...
*Attention Juniors* %0D%0AThere will be an 'Orienteers Winter training' zoom workshop in two weeks for the juniors. Details to follow soon... %0D%0ATh...
Hi %0D%0A %0D%0AYes these trainings are more in line with the true standard of orienteering. The Pine Forest controls are still set out in the t...
%0D%0AWelcome to another 2021 self training orienteering (Green course standard or higher only): %0D%0A %0D%0A %0D%0A%0D%0A %0D%0A %0D%0A ...
%0D%0ADIY your own training is easier now! %0D%0A %0D%0A%0D%0A %0D%0A %0D%0A%0D%0AWe published a mastermap of control sites last week for Pine ...
%0D%0AWelcome to 2021's self training orienteering : %0D%0A %0D%0A %0D%0A %0D%0A%0D%0AThis is a mastermap of control sites set out on Pine Fores...
Very nice Colm. I\'ve forwarded this post on to someone in Dublin who might be interested. Did they send this to you personally or have they adveri...
It was a path of failure that i happened to find for others who will go the same way. The image attached below shows where it takes you to Coilltes we...