Orienteering for this Sunday, 23rd February.

Sligo, Cork and Monaghan are the venues for Orienteering this Sunday. All events have courses suitable for Beginners.


(click to get more details)
County Event Type
Sun 23 Feb: Fota House & Gardens Cork ‘Come-and-try-it’ Event
Sun 23 Feb: Shippool Woods Cork Family Day
Sun 23 Feb: Rossmore Forest Park Monaghan Leinster Spring Cup
Sun 23 Feb: Kilronan Castle Sligo ‘Come-and-try-it’ Event


Kilronan Castle, Co. Sligo

Change of location. Oakport flooded so Kilronan Castle this Sunday instead.
Hope to see you there! We also changed the time of the event to be Sunday at 10:30.

Rossmore Forest Park, Co. Monaghan

Fingal Orienteers host the second event of the Leinster Spring Series in Rossmore Forest Park, Monaghan, Co. Monaghan on Sunday 23rd of February 2014. Pre-entry available on our club website @

For the social media heads you can check in to the event on BookFace here or Google+ here
On the day of the event please give your name to the volunteers manning the registration tent, pay your fee and enjoy your run!!!!!

Starts from 11.00 until 13.00, registration in the forest car park.

Course lengths are as follows;

Brown 9 K 180 M Climb
Blue 7.3 K 170 M Climb
Green 5.2 K 150 M Climb
Light Green 3.5 K 90 M Climb
Orange 2.4 K 40 M Climb
Yellow 1.4 K 20 M Climb

Transit and parking info: Car park has a €5 “per car” fee which we cannot avoid paying. Recommend orienteers either car pool from Dublin or at least car pool from the car park at the Monaghan Retail Park 50 yards beyond the junction off the Clones Road & R189.

SHIPPOOL WOOD, near Innishannon House Hotel

Parking in the wood, entrance is 3.0 km on the Kinsale side of the Hotel (after Shippool Castle and the two bad bends)
National Grid Reference W 568 542

Cork Winter Brass Monkey league (Round 9) & Family Day

Electronic punching for Red to Brown courses (hire of SI card eur 1)
Controls out from 8.30 am to 10.30 am
Start Times from 10.30 am to 1 pm.
Courses Close at 2 pm

BROWN COURSE (hardest)             7.0 km, 335 m, 27 c (2 maps)

BLUE COURSE                                5.0 km, 275 m, 29 c
GREEN COURSE                              4.2 km, 225 m, 25 c
RED COURSE                                  3.4 km, 175 m, 26 c
ORANGE COURSE                           2.7 km, 130 m, 21 c
YELLOW COURSE (easiest)             2.0 km, 070 m, 15

Fota House and Gardens Sunday February 23rd

Join us for some orienteering fun at Fota House and Gardens on Sunday February 23rd.

We’ll have a wayfarer’s course (suitable for beginners and family groups) that you can set off on at any time 11.00-12.30. For the more competitive and/or adventurous there will be a group start ‘score’ event which will set off at 12.00pm sharp – please come early register and warm up. The ‘score’ format means that you must get as many controls as possible within the allowed time. The group start will have everyone zig-zagging in all directions across the beautiful (and, thankfully, flat) gardens at Fota.

All proceeds from this fun event will be going to the Jack and Jill Foundation.

Following the event the Cork Orienteering Club AGM will take place in Guilders pub, Carrigtwohill. We would encourage all members to attend.

Orienteering in Ireland
Orienteering Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, Blanchardstown
D15 DY62, Ireland