New Orienteering Forum
Dear fellow orienteers
After much consideration, debate and beta testing the IOA have decided to replace the Yahoo “Irish Orienteering” forum with a new forum for the orienteering community hosted on the IOA website.
The reason for this is very simple. Since Yahoo changed the way its forums were disseminated via RSS, it was no longer possible to get a feed for the forum on the IOA website. We felt that this therefore became an ineffective way of spreading information about the sport, as forum participation means having to constantly log into Yahoo. Critically, non-members cannot view the Yahoo forum, either.
You will see the new forum here: The change will impact in several ways.
On 31 December 2013, the Yahoo forum will cease to be active. We will archive the entire forum for the last 15 years and put it on the IOA website as a searchable database. Your Yahoo membership will NOT carry over to the new forum.
You will need to re-register with WordPress, which you can do here:
It will NOT be possible to post to the new forum via email, but you can subscribe via email to posts from the forum from any one of the individual categories, which are: General Discussion, Events, Beginners and Technical Support. In addition, you can subscribe to individual threads of posts of a discussion if you are interested in doing so. Although arguably a little more complex than Yahoo, ultimately it gives more control of what you want to read.
There will be an FAQ section within the forum to let people know how to use the forum. The forum will be moderated to ensure discussion is fair and does not get too heated.
The hope and intention is that with time, this new forum with its additional features will become a great resource of information and debate for the orienteering community, be it discussion on a particular event, technical questions about Ór or Ocad, an information resource for beginners or an opportunity to share stories, pictures, video and experience.
We look forward to seeing you participate actively.
Finn van Gelderen
Communications Officer
Irish Orienteering Association
For all queries or comments or please contact me at