Malahide Leinster Primary results

In the final event of the Leinster Schools Orienteering League for Primary North on February 2nd in Malahide Castle Demesne, Cormac O’Dowd (Skryne NS) put in a fine performance, finishing 4mins 36 secs ahead of his nearest rival and winning the 6th Class Boys league, while Niamh McGovern (Skryne NS) also had a good run, winning 5th Class Girls by 2mins 25secs, but not enough to stop Saoirse O’Regan, who had consistently strong results in all three events, from winning their league category. Full resultsĀ here.

Orienteering in Ireland
Orienteering Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, Blanchardstown
D15 DY62, Ireland