What is your first Orienteering memory?
Doing a yellow course in Mondeligo Woods with my mother way back in 2009.
What is your favourite terrain?
I enjoy fast, runnable forest much like the JK Long terrain this year.
What do you think is your best distance/discipline?
Long Distance, but Sprint events come close. I simply haven’t done enough sprint events to see.
What was your favourite event so far?
It would be the O-tour we did to the OOCup last year. Plenty of good quality training and competition as well as there being a good atmosphere all the time.
What was your first event in the Green Jersey?
JHI 2016 in Newcastle as an M14. The courses were much harder than I was used to.
What do you like to eat pre race?
Cereal and lots of water to drink. Keeping it simple helps.
What is your favourite bit of O clothing?
It would be my JK2018 top, I like the design and colours.