IOF – Invitation to EA Clinic in FootO

FootO Commission invite you all to the EA Clinic in Hong Kong in January.

The Event Advisers’ Clinic is organised for the education and recruitment of new IOF licensed Foot Orienteering Event Advisers. The clinic is also open for experienced organisers who want to play major roles in organising future high level IOF events (WOC, World Cup, WMOC, EYOC, etc.) but do not necessarily want to become an Event Adviser.

Course leaders will be Unni Strand Karlsen (NOR), IOF FootO Commission.

You find the invitation here: Invitation to the Clinic

Please use the online entry form, EA Clinic Entry Form

I would also like to friendly remind you of the FootO EA Clinic that will be held in Italy later this year.

You find the invitation here: Invitation to the Clinic

Please use the online entry form, EA Clinic Entry Form

International Orienteering Federation IOF logo
Orienteering in Ireland
Orienteering Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, Blanchardstown
D15 DY62, Ireland