IOC 2022 – Irish Sprint Championships – IMPORTANT INFORMATION.
Please see the attached information in relation to the IOC Sprint event on Friday 29th April 2022.
The Sprint map for IOC 2022 was originally mapped in 2019 and updated in 2022. As outlined in the information in Bulletin 3 it complies with ISSprOM 2019 but NOT ISSprOM 2019-2.
This has implications for competitors in complying with the Bulletin 3 information.
Competitors shall not enter into, or cross, areas marked on the map as olive green.
Competitors shall not cross features marked on the map as un-crossable.
This information clarification notice will be on display in the race Pre-Start area.
It will also be on the legend, printed on the map.
IOC 2022 – Day 1 Sprint team.