IOA Online Workshops and Training
The IOA have been working over the last number of months to find ways of engaging with the orienteering community while we are not able to hold physical events. The juniors were the first to have the Zoom orienteering experience and it was a great success. We hope to extend these sessions not only for the juniors but for the wider orienteering community in the coming months. Currently we have workshops ready for our Women in Orienteering and another instalment for our Junior Orienteers.
Through our involvement with Sport Ireland and the Women in Sport Initiative we have been working to promote and empower the women in our sport, develop our athletes and keep orienteers engaged in challenging times. We all face challenges to keep training and developing in the current climate of COVID-19 but the IOA are working on a few ideas to keep the orienteering community connected and hopefully motivated to keep training and progressing while we look forward to events as we know them starting to proceed again.
We have a few things in the works at the moment, but for now I would like to let you know that we are hosting some online workshops for our elite senior and W20 females (including those about to be W20 next year). The following workshops will be taking place:
Sunday, 18th October at 8:00pm we will have Kathryn Stewart, Registered Dietitian deliver a presentation on Sports Nutrition which will also include information on plant-based diets.
Tuesday, 27th October at 8:00pm we will have Orna Murray from Your Health Psychology deliver a presentation on Sports Psychology and Wellbeing. The talk will include working with your body, habit formation, as well as resilience and motivation to train during COVID times. Both of these presentations will take place on Zoom.
For the Junior Orienteers M/W14 to M/W20 we also have two upcoming workshops:
Wednesday, 21st October at 8:00pm we will have Kathryn Stewart, Registered Dietitian deliver a presentation on Sports Nutrition which will also include information on plant-based diets.
Wednesday, 4th November at 8:00pm we will have Orna Murray from Your Health Psychology deliver a presentation on Sports Psychology and Wellbeing. The talk will include getting back to basics, introduction to health for young athletes the fear of failure & confidence building, goal setting, as well as resilience and motivation to train during COVID times. Both of these presentations will take place on Zoom.
If you would be interested in taking part in these presentations please email to register. We hope to have more activities and workshops to offer the broader orienteering community in the future.