Tibradden Wood

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Date Thursday, 26/12/2024
Venue Tibradden Wood
Address Rockbrook, Co. Dublin. Eircode D16 XY79., Co.Dublin
Club Website 3ROC
Start Times 10:30 - 12:00
Grid reference 53°20'37.4
Latitude/Longitude 53.242833, -6.294755
Google Maps Click here

Adults: €8 / personChildren: €5 / childStudent: €5 / studentUnwaged: €5 / personOAP: €5 / personFamily Discount: €15 (Maximum of 2 Adults and no more than 5 family members / family)

Summary Forest with a good network of tracks and paths.

Pre-entry at a reduced price but there will be entry on the day as well. This is a score event, with a time limit, so you visit as many controls as you can, in any order, in the permitted time.

Note the start times: only from 10.30 to 12.00. Courses close at 1.00 pm and controls will be removed.

As in recent years there will be two classes, this time both will have a 50 minute time limit.

The Long course has 21 controls but you can't mix the odd and even numbered controls unless you first visit a "transition" control which will be number "333". In other words you can start on the even-number controls, then visit 333, then do the odd-numbered one, or the other way around.

The Short course is also 50 minutes with 21 controls, but you can mix-and-match, and visit the controls in any order.

In both cases there will be a points penalty if you are out longer than the allowed time.

There will also be substantial bonus points if you are in fancy dress (not just a Santa hat and a piece of tinsel - you have to make a small effort!)

Currently there will be NO toilets available, so go before you come

Online entries are open until midnight on December 22nd at a reduced rate. There will also be entry on the day until all the maps are gone. Please enter in advance if you can, as it makes the results processing much easier.

Parking can be limited because it's also a popular area for walkers etc, so please car share if you can, and park nice and neatly. We'll have the usual festive hot drinks etc at the finish.

We hope to see you there!

Location map HERE. Eircode D16 XY79.

Difficulty rating 4/10 Paths through generally runnable forest

Click here

Entries open on 01/12/2024 @ 01:00 AM
Entries End 22/12/2024 @ 23:59 PM

Results from previous events held near here

30/03/2014 Pine Forest
29/03/2015 Pine Forest
23/01/2016 Larch Hill
06/02/2016 Rockbrook Park School
18/09/2016 Pine Forest
04/02/2017 Rockbrook Park School
11/02/2017 Larch Hill
17/09/2017 Pine Forest
11/02/2018 Pine Forest
02/02/2019 Rockbrook Park School
14/04/2019 Pine Forest
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