
Date Tuesday, 21/07/2020
Venue Skerries
Address Skerries Mills, Co.Dublin
Event Format Summer Evening Series / 'Come-and-try-it' Event
Club Website FIN
Start Times 18:00-20:00
Signposted From R128 @ Skerries. Parking and Start will be located at Skerries Mills, Skerries, Co. Dublin. Skerries Mills is well sign posted by Fingal County Council Brown Heritage Signs.
Grid reference O 252 600
Latitude/Longitude 53.575146, -6.108381
Google Maps Click here

Free entry

Summary <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>urban orienteering in beautiful Skerries</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
Notes This will be a pre entry event only, no money will be taken on the day of the event. Entries on Fabian4 close at midnight on the 20th of July.

The event will observe social distancing. This will be no registration tent. Contact will be at a minimum with supervision and support at the start and finish. Printed maps will be provided. There will be flags at the control sites and timing will be by a GPS app, MapRunF, on your phone. Controls descriptions will be on the map only.
Important: To take part in this event each competitor will require the “MapRunF” app running on their smart phone, download from the App store or Google play.
Check out this MapRunF video for more information.

Short ~2km
Medium ~ 4km
Long ~ 6km
(These are estimated straight-line distances; the medium and long, in particular, are likely to be longer on the ground).
Toilets and drinking water will not be provided.
Participants will be sent a Health Questionnaire which must be answered before attending the event. We request that participants familiarise themselves Return to Orienteering "Participant Code of Conduct"

More details, last minute updates & general discussion on the Forum discussion page.
Difficulty rating 2/10

Results from previous events held near here

13/09/2015 Skerries Urban Race
12/07/2016 Skerries Seaside (Urban)
04/07/2017 Skerries Seaside
02/07/2019 Skerries
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Orienteering in Ireland
Orienteering Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, Blanchardstown
D15 DY62, Ireland