Phoenix Park - Papal Cross

Date Tuesday, 11/08/2020
Venue Phoenix Park - Papal Cross
Event Format 3ROC Tuesday Evening Series
Club Website 3ROC
Start Times 18:30-19:30
Grid reference O 114 354
Latitude/Longitude 53.3570733601609, -6.32658546107201
Google Maps Click here

Free entry

Summary <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Great area for beginners, parkland with paths.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
Notes Pre Entry online only before Monday 10th August 12 noon
You can enter on this page only, click on the 'Enter Now' button which will become available on Wednesday 5th August.
Parking and registration are at the Papal Cross in the Phoenix Park.
This event is suitable for beginners with a few different courses - generally shorter courses are easier & longer ones harder, but anyone new should take about an hour to get around one of the courses.
While last start time is 7:30pm please try to make it earlier - all the flags will be taken in at 8:30pm and the car park gates will be closed at sunset so you must be out by then!
Difficulty rating 2/10

Results from previous events held near here

15/10/2006 Phoenix Park
03/02/2007 Phoenix Park
10/03/2007 Phoenix Park
06/10/2007 Phoenix Park
16/02/2008 Phoenix Park
17/02/2008 Phoenix Park
29/06/2008 Phoenix Park
05/10/2008 Phoenix Park
21/02/2009 Phoenix Park
22/02/2009 Phoenix Park
13/02/2010 Phoenix Park
14/02/2010 Phoenix Park
29/01/2011 Phoenix Park
30/01/2011 Phoenix Park
13/08/2013 Phoenix Park
27/08/2013 Phoenix Park
04/01/2014 Phoenix Park
05/08/2014 Phoenix Park
19/08/2014 Phoenix Park 3
10/01/2015 Phoenix Park
21/07/2015 Phoenix Park
25/08/2015 Phoenix Park
08/01/2016 Phoenix Park
06/03/2016 Phoenix Park
09/08/2016 Phoenix Park
16/08/2016 Phoenix Park
14/01/2017 Phoenix Park
15/08/2017 Phoenix Park
22/08/2017 Phoenix Park
13/01/2018 Phoenix Park
14/10/2018 Phoenix Park
12/01/2019 Phoenix Park
13/08/2019 Phoenix Park
20/08/2019 Phoenix Park
04/01/2020 Phoenix Park
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