Millennium Park - Her Outdoors - Free

Date Thursday, 11/08/2022
Venue Millennium Park - Her Outdoors - Free
Address Blanchardstown D15, Co.Dublin
Event Format Other
Club Website FIN
Start Times 11:00 - 13:00
Latitude/Longitude 53.38626, -6.40010
Google Maps Click here

Free entry

Summary This is a small city park with lots of paths. Perfect for an introduction to orienteering

This is a Her Outdoors Free event to introduce orienteering to girls of all ages and their friends and families. 

There will be fun activities and an introduction to orienteering with a range of courses for people to try. This will be a taster session and information to do more  orienteering will be included. 

The parking is in Millennium park carpark. Follow the path to the West (Clockwise) and registration will be at the playground entrance. Then you choose what activity to do. If you can walk or run 2k you can take part. The shorter courses will stay on paths suitable for buggies and mobility aids. There are toilets at the playground. 

There is a choice of 6 courses. The courses range in straight line distance from 1.1km to 3.4km.

MapRun App will be used with Printed maps and control flags on the shorter courses.

Short A, B and C  White Standard

Medium A and B Yellow Standard

Long Orange/Light Green Standard 

The courses are designed to build experience and confidence.

Click the link under pre-Entry below to register.

Difficulty rating 2/10 Paths/parkland

Results from previous events held near here

25/01/2014 Tolka Valley Park
28/01/2017 Tolka Valley Park
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Orienteering in Ireland
Orienteering Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, Blanchardstown
D15 DY62, Ireland