Curragh East

Date Saturday, 26/02/2022
Venue Curragh East
Event Format Night Orienteering
Club Website CNOC
Start Times 18:15 - 19:00
Signposted From M7 Junction 12 (Curragh Exit)
Grid reference N 790 117
Latitude/Longitude 53.128100, -6.78990
Google Maps Click here

Adults: €8 / personChildren: €5 / childStudent: €5 / studentUnwaged: €5 / personOAP: €5 / personFamily Discount: €20 (Maximum of 2 Adults and no more than 5 family members / family)

Summary Open Grassland with detailed vegetation

Start point GPS Coordinates: Lat 53.128100 Lon -6.78990.
Google Maps:

Navigating at night is for the intrepid or experienced only. Any juniors under 16 should be accompanied - it's much more challenging than during the day. The bigger your headtorch the better. Sunnyhill is the technical part of The Curragh. The map Scale is 1:7500, Contours 2.5m and has recently been completely resurveyed Jan2022 with gorse (green) up to date. The long Course for experienced is 6.2km and the short course is 3.5km and is be a great adventure for accompanied younger orienteers (or older unaccompanied ones!).

Points to note:
* Despite the challenge of night orienteering the area is open grassland, gorse
Pits, Depressions and Trench systems. (some are steep and deep).
* The WW1 trench training systems are shown in blue as for ditch symbol.
* Grass tracks and paths are shown in black on the map but are difficult tomake out at night.
* People walking slowly should take up to an hour for the shortest course (it doesn't matter if you don't get all the flags)
* If in doubt pick a shorter course
* You must enter online:
* You don't have to be in a club to take part
* You can go in pairs, groups or individually.
* If you are really unsure you can be facilitated to start before dark.

Difficulty rating 6/10 Open mountain only, some paths

Enter online on

Entries open on 20/02/2022 @ 11:00 AM
Entries End 25/02/2022 @ 12:00 PM

Results from previous events held near here

15/06/2010 Curragh East (Sunnyhill)
11/06/2013 Curragh East - Sunnyhill
16/06/2015 Curragh (Sunnyhill)
14/06/2016 Curragh (Sunnyhill)
16/05/2017 Curragh (Sunnyhill)
10/02/2018 Curragh (Blackrath)
09/02/2019 Curragh (Sunnyhill)
29/02/2020 Curragh (Sunnyhill)
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Orienteering in Ireland
Orienteering Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, Blanchardstown
D15 DY62, Ireland