Carrick Mountain

Date Sunday, 24/04/2022
Venue Carrick Mountain
Address Glenealy, Co.Wicklow
Event Format Leinster League
Club Website 3ROC
Start Times 11:00 - 13:00
Grid reference T 23378 93777
Latitude/Longitude 52.983831, -6.165212
Google Maps Click here

Adults: €8 / personChildren: €5 / childStudent: €5 / studentUnwaged: €5 / personOAP: €5 / personFamily Discount: €20 (Maximum of 2 Adults and no more than 5 family members / family)

Summary Forested mountain with a good network of paths and tracks and many unmarked mountainbike tracks.

Leinster League event postponed from 2020. April and May are the best times to run an event at Carrick, before the bracken grows up. The forest is large, with sections of deciduous and coniferous trees. This is the Sunday between Easter and the Irish Championships. The event will be pre-entry only. More information, including precise location of parking and access, will be on the IOA Forum and at closer to the event.

In addition to the normal league courses there will be a Short Green (non-league) course which will be as technical but not as physical as the Green course. All the courses will have a walk back on paths from the finish to download, with a stiff climb, not suitable for buggies.

The map is 1:10000 scale with 5 m contours, A4 size on waterproof paper. The Brown course will have a map flip where the course is in two parts, printed on both sides of the map. Contactless punching will not be set up.

Parking will be on forest roads - please drive slowly and carefully in the forest.

From Dublin, take the N11/M11 south as far as Junction 16. Turn right in Rathnew onto the R752 signposted for Rathdrum. Access to the forest is from the west side of the area and will be signposted from the junction of the R752 and L2116 about 2 km SW of Glenealy village. See location map of forest entrance here.

Course Controls Length Climb
Brown 19 6.5 km 320 m
Blue 20 5.2 km 250 m
Green 16 4.1 km 175 m
Short Green 11 2.8 km 125 m
Light Green 14 3.7 km 135 m
Red 15 4.4 km 165 m
Orange 9 2.8 km 45 m
Yellow 7 1.9 km 25 m


Difficulty rating 5/10 Paths through mostly runnable forest with some rough parts

Enter online on

Entries open on 15/04/2022 @ 00:01 AM
Entries End 21/04/2022 @ 23:59 PM

Results from previous events held near here

17/04/2016 Carrick Mountain
29/05/2016 Carrick Mountain
23/04/2017 Carrick Mountain
15/04/2018 Carrick Mountain
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Orienteering in Ireland
Orienteering Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, Blanchardstown
D15 DY62, Ireland