
Date Saturday, 13/01/2024
Venue Rathcoole
Address Rathcoole, Co.Dublin
Event Format Night Orienteering
Club Website GEN
Start Times 18:00 - 19:00
Latitude/Longitude 53.284370764730554, -6.456189726022619
Google Maps Click here

Adults: €8 / personChildren: €5 / childStudent: €5 / studentUnwaged: €5 / personOAP: €5 / personFamily Discount: €15 (Maximum of 2 Adults and no more than 5 family members / family)

Summary Dublin by night


Parking for this event will be at the Avoca Rathcoole car park.

Drivers coming either from the Dublin side or the Nass side should take junction 4 off the N7 to Saggart/Rathcoole

  • The Start is 200m from Avoca, the route will be marked.
  • Competitors MUST use the pedestrian crossing to cross the road between the park and Avoca.


  • Two courses.
    • Long 4.8km - 27 controls with map flip.
    • Short 2.5km - 17 controls
  • Map scale 1:4000 (ISSprOM) and 2M contours.
  • Loose control descriptions will be available, also on map.
  • SIAC enabled.
  • Full leg cover is recommended for all courses
  • The urban area on the Long course will have some routes marked impassable - a purple line on the map and red and white tape on lamp posts in the terrain.
  • The long course includes some housing estate routes, competitors are asked to take care at road crossings and respect pedestrians and residents. 
  • Although there isn't too much rain forecast for the next few days there will definitely be some muddy bits in the forest - so maybe not the occasion to break in those brand new Xmas present Nike Alpha Flys!

About Rathcoole Woods

Rathcoole woodlands is a prime example of rewilding. The 11-hectare forest developed on former agricultural land that was initially zoned for development, over a period of about 30 years, it has gone back to nature and now supports a wide range of native trees, including oak, ash, willow and birch. A group of local residents and environmentalists, called the Rathcoole Woodlands Conservation Group, campaigned for six years to save the woodlands from being developed. This group has been successful in having some of the area rezoned as rural land. However, the group’s work is not done yet. Some parts of the woodlands remain vulnerable, as they are still zoned as residential. The group is continuing to monitor the situation and to raise awareness about the importance of preserving the woodlands.

More information can be found







Difficulty rating 3/10 Paths/parkland with some off-path (forest/deep grass)

Enter online on

Entries open on 10/01/2024 @ 14:00 PM
Entries End 12/01/2024 @ 22:00 PM
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Orienteering in Ireland
Orienteering Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, Blanchardstown
D15 DY62, Ireland