Eoghan Whelan of WatO
What is your first Orienteering memory?
My first memory is The JK 2014, I was 11 and I had never been to a big competition before, it was foggy and I didn’t have a compass, or know how to use one!
What is your favourite terrain?
I like open mountain, like Mahon Falls.
What do you think is your best distance/discipline?
Middle distance.
What was your favourite event so far?
The training camp in France last summer was great, the terrain was good and the weather was too!
What was your first event in the Green Jersey?
I went to the JHI in 2016 in Newcastle.
What do you like to eat pre race?
Porridge with raspberries and chocolate.
What is your favourite bit of O clothing?
My turquoise and orange hooped socks, I bought them in France last year.