December Workshop – Post Race Analysis

Ever wondered why you are constantly making the same mistakes week in week out? Maybe you have just accepted you are a poor orienteer and no amount of blaming the planner or controller is ever going to change that. Well, have faith, our winter workshop may make all the difference!

For all levels of ability it is essential to review your orienteering training/races, identify what went wrong and think about what you can do to improve. This workshop will look at common errors and how you can analyse your orienteering based on the issues identified over a period of time, allowing you to then build your training effectively.

The Workshop will be hosted by the IOA with Jens Waechter as the presenter, 7pm December 9th via zoom.

Everyone is welcome, email for registration. If you would like to be added to our workshop mailing list for more events like this let us know via email also.

See you there!

Orienteering in Ireland
Orienteering Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, Blanchardstown
D15 DY62, Ireland