Consider becomming an OI committee member?
From Orienteering Ireland outgoing chairperson – Mary O’Connell
In line with the constitution of Orienteering Ireland (OI), I will not be putting myself forward for the position of Chairperson at the AGM as I have served three years. Debbie Whelan has also decided not to put her name forward for the position of Communications Officer due to her professional and personal commitments.
We would encourage all members of OI to consider putting their name forward for committee positions and in particular those of Chairperson and Communications Officer. If you would like to know more about what being an officer on the committee entails, do feel free to contact me or any other member of the committee for information.
I would like to thank Debbie for the excellent work that she has done on the committee over the past 5 years. She has certainly transformed the way that we use social media and communicate with our members – thanks Debbie for all the hard work.
And a very big thank you to all members of the committee for all the work that they do to promote orienteering in Ireland and also to the volunteers throughout the country, without you we would not be able to enjoy the sport of orienteering.
Looking forward to seeing many of you at the Irish Orienteering Championships this weekend.