The third and final event of the FINGAL SCATTER SERIES will take place at Malahide Castle and Gardens on Sunday, September 18th
Malahide Castle can be accessed from the Back Road. Once inside entrance turn at once left into the first carpark. The Start/Finish will be at the far end. This is a come-and-try-it event and is suitable for beginners and families. Mass start at 12pm. Followed by the prize-giving as soon as possible after the last finisher.
The league table, with results after two events is now available on the Fingal Orienteering website|01||0e2892177c2948e1d38b08da95c96114|84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa|1|0|637986989396973351|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0=|3000|||&sdata=80F0qt6XyTFjkbfOQis4vM/QMagK7ivC8bFC/4bAb5Y=&reserved= 0"> We’ve had some difficulty recognising adults/juniors, so if you find any errors on the results so far, please contact us.
The courses for this Sunday remain the same:
Long (collect 18 out of 20 controls)
Medium (collect 13 controls)
Short (collect 8 controls).
Entries are now live at and will close on Friday the 16th September, @23.59PM.
For those using public transport, there is a train service from Dublin Connolly to Malahide every twenty minutes. The 32, 42, and H2 buses also leave from Dublin, Abbey Street. Note that these service the village of Malahide and the Castle can be accessed on foot from the north, with approx. 20mins walk to the start area.
Toilets, café, playground, and overflow carpark are next to the Castle.
Sportident will be used for this event and SIAC will be enabled.