The next Leinster League event will be at the Featherbeds on Sunday 28 November. Entries are now open (through the IOA entries system Orienteering in Ireland » Official website of the Irish Orienteering Association » Featherbeds) and early entries would be appreciated. Full details are on the Ajax webpage Ajax Orienteering & Hill Running Club (
Please note the following: (1) No whistle No go (2) It is highly likely that the cagoule rule will be in force (i.e. you must carry or wear full upper body covering), so please make sure you come equipped (3) Starts are from 11-12:30 with courses closing at 14:30 (although we hope to be able to start people from 10:30) and (4) The control descriptions are not on the map - they are available to download from the Ajax webpage or will be available at the start