I am new to orinteering but am trying to convince my team at work that it would be a good thing to do as a team activity. So last weekend, I visited ticknock hill (the beginner course) to check it out for myself and noticed that the first point on the map didnt seem to have any stake with the Orinteering symbol on it. There was a stake which seemed to have a piece of paper protected by a plastic sleeve which was attached with a thumbtack but no actual symbol on it. All of the other points 2-6, I could find (and they had the same number that was on the answer sheet).
However, when I went back on sunday, it seems like the second point had been removed too. Couldnt find it anywhere and I am 99.9% certain that I looked all over the same place where I saw it only the day before..
Click here for a copy of the course I\'m referring to.
There\'s probably not many people on this forum who know anything about this beginner course but if anyone has any ideas about what happened or knows who might be responsible for maintaining the course. Dont really want to bring a big gang up there and start off by telling them that the first two points on the map cannot be found:).