AGM of the Irish Orienteering Schools’ group
All are welcome to the annual general meeting of the IOSG will take place at Kilcoran lodge hotel at 7.30 p.m. on June 14th.
Minutes of previous AGM’s can be found on the Irish schools orienteering blog (check link on right hand side).
The agenda is below.
1. Attendance/Apologies
2. Matters arising from 2016 minutes (including breakdown of IOA expenditure between 2013 and 2015)
3. Regional reports
4. ISOC 2017 report
5. IOSG accounts
6. Fixtures 2017-18
7. Development
(a) Daff project
(b) Training set
(c) Permanent orienteering courses
(d) Links with Junior squad
(e) Communication
8. Health and safety/garda vetting
9. AOB
All are welcome to email the Development officer if they are unable to attend but have ideas to share.